About Big Bang Cases and Legends

In Babylon the world was born a murderer: Marduk turns into a madman, and one day Tiamat's body divides into two as if it opens a midday. One of the pieces brings the sky, the other brings the earth to the square. In ancient Egypt the world was born as a result of a fatherly love. The god of the air. His mom now slowly removes Nut very gently to separate it from the earth, thus creating the world. According to the Christians, the Earth covered a huge, immense void, a dark primitive ocean. A word from God was enough: "Let there be light, and light." Then God realized the light was a good thing.

The Sky is a Furrier

The ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut was portrayed as a woman who wrapped her body like a dome on the earth, but whose face was touched by the tip of her fingers and toes, and her son, O, supported her.

Sun is a Man

As soon as the scorpion man opens the east gate every morning, Sumerians' Sun god Shamas climbs to the mountain and ascends to the sky. In the evening the mountain goes down again, but this time into the mountain from the west gate.
The Siberian Eskimos Tchoutetchis are the skies and the worlds of the lower levels. The dragon lies between the star of the team, the Minor, and the Magnificent.

Rainbow, A Snake

According to some tribes in Australia, the "Great Snake" is the master of the rainbow, the reincarnation of the Earth, the fruitfulness of the human race. The pearls of sea shells, the night, the sea lamps, the rays of sunshine in the water drops, all of which were symbols of this serpent.

In this wall made for the Jerusalem Parliament, the Russian painter Marc Chagall painted the creature in a lively, crowded and moving way.

XIX. In the nineteenth century, historians thought that the Babylonians 
were as knowledgeable about the sky as they were about the earth. Down below, the land stretching toward the ocean was pushing the sky's waters, which merged with the ocean, with the sun illuminating above.

Apollo riding in the car was considered a symbol of the rising sun in the sky. From this Renaissance, XVIII. It was one of the most processed topics in paintings up to a century.

At the masks, the sky is often a massive dome, and the stars are drawn to the dome as it is drawn on the ceilings of some churches. In ancient times some of these stars were made of some kind of fluid, that the air pressure prevented this water from flowing; they thought that the ships were moving in a quiet sea there, and that only birds knew the way to this ocean above. People, according to their civilizations, described the sky as inspired by the daily goods they used: Dome, canopy, bell, umbrella, tent or turtle rotating around the stalk.

Yet, ethnologists who study human societies in their profession say that very few of the folkloric beliefs are considered the sky, a cover over which the stars shine.
In contrast, the Sun, Moon, stars, and meteorites have been a source of inspiration to the writers in every age and have caused many superstitious beliefs and customs to emerge and adopt. These stars are always present in people's lives, but there are very few artists who define the world in its gloom.

The patterned handwriting of the Jaina community in India is an exception. Jainism of religions, BC of Hinduism. A century ago, Jaina's concepts related to the universe were included in illustrated astronomy books. The world, loka, comes from three worlds. The topmost world, urdhavaloka, is the sky world, consisting of seven layers of skylights: It's like an inflatable drum. The world of the earth in the middle, madhya-loka, is depicted as always from the opposite side, like a circle, similar to a disco. The world at the bottom, adholoka, the world of hell; seven times this hell resembles seven umbrellas placed on top of each other.

The Creation of the World
According to the Hindus, it was born in a lotus, rising from the heart of the World Vishnu.

Cosmic Man
In this belly of this cosmic man Jaina, there is a circle representing the world. There are seven heavens above the gods, and seven heavens below them.

The Axis of the World

Meru Mountain ascends from the middle of Jaina world, the sky turns around this mountain.


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