Top 10 Anti-Cancer Foods to Include in Your Diet
What are top anti-cancer foods of foods that fight
cancer? Cancer
is also known as malignancy. It is characterized by cells growing abnormally.
Around 100 kinds of cancer exist. Various treatments of cancer include;
Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Different studies have been carried out
for over 50 years with fewer conclusive treatments or solutions have been
discovered that are effective. Approximately 3,400 patients are diagnosed with
cancer every day in the United States.
A diet that can help prevent cancer is therefore very
crucial in the control health related hazards of this deadly
disease. The American Cancer Society advises, for instance, the
intake of five servings of vegetables and fruits each day and eats the right
portions of food in order to live healthy. If you would like to know the type
of food you can give to a cancer patient then worry no more, as there are a
variety of foods you can include in their diet. Research institutions are
finding that some foods may be very much helpful in keeping us safe from
A variety of foods that are rich in sulphur for
example; Cauliflower, onions, cabbage, garlic, broccoli and leeks have been
found to prevent human beings from getting cancer. This is because these foods
contain properties that can fight cancer. Therefore, make it a routine to eat
the following foods that can help fight cancer.
10. Garlic
Garlic is a vegetable that belonging
to the class Allium which includes all plants that have a bulb shape. These
plants includes; Onions, leeks, chives, garlic and scallions. Garlic is unique
for its high sulphur concentrations and it is used for flavoring foods. It also
has nutrients such as; Flavonoids, selenium, arginine and oligosaccharides that
have several benefits to our health. For instant, research has shown that
reasonable amounts of garlic consumed everyday can reduce the risk of getting
certain cancers of the ovaries, colon, stomach, pancreas, esophagus and breast.
Also, population studies have shown that high consumption of cooked and raw
garlic reduces the risk of colon and stomach cancer.
9. Broccoli
Broccoli is another plant that can
help minimize the possibility of getting cancer. It contains several nutrients
such as vitamins A and C, calcium, fiber and folic acid. The calcium content of
broccoli not only builds strong bones but research has shown that it is also
responsible for managing high
blood pressure. Broccoli also contains two phytochemicals that are
very crucial to our health. These chemicals are; Isothiocyanates and indoles.
These enzymes increase the activity of various enzymes in our body that are
known to suppress agents that cause cancer. Health organizations recommend the
intake of broccoli several times per week and they are linked to low rates of
cancer. Besides having ant-cancer properties, it also has anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant and pro-detoxification properties.
8. Beans
Beans belong to the group of
vegetables called legumes and also include pulses and lentils. Most of the
health benefits acquired from eating beans extend to the entire team. They are
very easy to include in our diet. As, they are one of the most
important super foods. They are full of nutrients. Studies conducted
recently are showing that consumption of beans, mainly black beans, can reduce
the risk and occurrence of various types of cancer such as liver, colon, breast
and prostate cancer.
Dry beans are
very rich in fiber and proteins as well as extremely good
sources of vitamin B and foliate. Research conducted from 41 countries has
revealed that consumption of beans reduces the number of deaths caused by
prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer among others.
Although the precise methods of
cancer prevention is not known, it is believed that the phytochemicals of beans
as well as flavonoids , tannins, triterpenes , phytic acid, and phytosterols
could be responsible for the fight against cancer. Including beans in our diet
once in a while is therefore vital.
7. Turmeric
Turmeric is widely used in India for
cooking because of its flavor and the yellow color that makes food look
appealing. It is also used to make mustard and to add color to cheese and
butter. Turmeric has been used for the treatment of various health conditions
for over 4,000. Studies reveal that turmeric may be useful against multiple
infections and certain types of cancers, treat problems of the digestive system
and reduce inflammation.
China and Ayurvedic consider
turmeric as a medicine that is used to treat inflammation, liver and digestive
problems, wounds and skin diseases. Today various research organizations are
carrying out a detailed examination of the very many
advantages of turmeric, and its fantastic future in the fight
against cancer; It’s prevention and treatment.
6. Grapes
Grapes have natural chemicals that
are capable of stopping cancer cells from spreading. Red grapes unlike
white and green grapes contain more powerful properties that can prevent
cancer. They contain polyphenols, pterostilbene, lupeol and oleanolic acid that
have chemo-preventative properties. On-going research on grapes suggests that
consuming grapes is better than taking supplements as the components which are
bioactive in the grapes will enter the bloodstream and move to other regions of
the body. Although enough research has not yet been done on grapes. Scientists
are claiming that they have properties that can protect against cancer.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are the primary source of
lycopene which is an antioxidant that makes tomatoes red. It is also known to
protect cells and the DNA from being damaged. Approximately 10,000 deaths occur
every year in the UK due to prostate cancer with around 35000 cases of new
infection. Studies have revealed that men who have a high intake of tomatoes
are less likely to get prostate cancer.
However, research encourages
individuals to eat a well-balanced diet that is high in vegetables and fruits
and very low in salt, fat, red meat and processed meat.
4. Green Tea
Green tea is
said to be very beneficial to our health because it contains
nutrients and antioxidants; That have very influential effects to our body. It
not only improves the functioning of the brain but it also helps in weight loss and
reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, such as; Prostate cancer, breast
cancer, and colorectal cancer. Research also highly advises people not to put
milk in their tea as this could decrease the value of the antioxidants.
3. Bok Choy
It is a cruciferous vegetable, and
it is a staple food in Asia. It belongs to the Genus Brassica, and it’s juicy
and tasty stalks. Its leaves are very popular in the western world. it is rich
in vitamins C and A, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidants.
Antioxidants such as indole-3-carbinol, thiocyanates, zeaxanthin, isothiocyanates,
and sulforaphane. In addition to vitamins and fiber have been found to prevent
certain cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast. Besides cancer prevention,
they also help to reduce the level of LDL in the blood.
2. Cauliflower
This is yet another cruciferous
vegetable that we need to incorporate in our diet regularly. Because it has a
wide variety of nutrients for example; Photochemical, minerals, vitamins and
antioxidants. It also contains sulforaphane, a compound of sulphur that is
believed to destroy cancer stem cells. Hence tumor cells take too long to grow.
Some scientists believe that getting rid of these cancer stem cells could
greatly aid in controlling this disease. Studies have shown that combining
cauliflower may help treat and prevent prostate and breast cancer.
Isothiocyanates and indoles found in cauliflower stop the development of
cancer. The research has done on mice and rats, in various organs such as the
colon, breast and the stomach.
1. Brussels
Brussels sprouts is a tiny cabbage,
and it is very beneficial to our health. It contains antioxidants that assist
in fighting various types of cancer and heart-related ailments. It also greatly
helps the digestion system among many other benefits. The protein content in
Brussels is also quite high compared to that of other vegetables. Four
glucosinates; Glucobrassicin, gluconasturtiin, sinigrin and glucoraphanin in
Brussels are responsible for helping to prevent cancer. However, this is only
possible in unique additions. Indoles also assist in stimulating the production
of various enzymes that are known to eliminate toxins that cause cancer.
Brussels is of particular importance in preventing cancers of the prostate,
breast and the colon.
Eating fruits and vegetables is
therefore critical to our health. And it is highly advisable, not to eat
processed foods as much as some of them and especially sugars help the cancer
cells to grow and spread rapidly. Eating these foods together and exercising
regularly will greatly help saves many lives in future.
Written By; Susan Wanjiku
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